Machine learning and AI

The future of machine learning in cybersecurity

Stephan Miller
September 10, 2024 by
Stephan Miller

The field of cybersecurity is constantly evolving. It has to. Cybercriminals develop new tactics and tools at a rapid pace, challenging traditional security measures. Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly important in fighting these cyber threats, and cybersecurity professionals keep their skills sharp to stay on top of these emerging trends. 

This article is your guide to machine learning in cybersecurity. We'll explore the definition and applications of machine learning, its impact on cybersecurity strategies and its possibilities for the future. It doesn't matter if you're new to cybersecurity or have been a security professional for years, this article will show you how the cybersecurity field is being changed by AI and ML. 

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Understanding machine learning and AI in cybersecurity 

While artificial intelligence and machine learning are often used interchangeably by technical and non-technical audiences, they have distinct meanings. Here's a breakdown of AI vs machine learning: 

  • Artificial intelligence (AI): AI is the broader concept of machines exhibiting human-like intelligence. AI encompasses technology that trains machines to imitate or simulate human thought processes in real-world scenarios. Artificial intelligence for cybersecurity encompasses various techniques, such as rule-based and expert systems, to automate security tasks. 
  • Machine learning (ML): ML is a specific subfield of AI that focuses on developing algorithms that can learn from data without explicit programming. In cybersecurity, ML algorithms are trained on massive data sets of network traffic, user behavior and past security events, allowing them to identify patterns and anomalies that might indicate a cyberattack. 

All machine learning is contained in AI, but there is more to AI than machine learning. Machine learning focuses specifically on algorithms that use data to learn. 

While the use of ML in cybersecurity has grown significantly in recent years, its roots go back further than you might think. Here is a quick timeline of the changes: 

  • Early approaches: In the early days, rule-based systems and signature-based detection methods were used. They relied on predefined rules or patterns to identify known threats and struggled to keep up with the changing threat landscape. 
  • Statistical methods: As machine learning started gaining prominence, techniques like clustering and decision trees were applied to identify unusual patterns in network traffic or system behavior. 
  • Supervised learning: With supervised learning, ML models were trained on labeled data that had examples of both normal and malicious behavior. These models could then classify new instances as either benign or malicious. 
  • Unsupervised learning: Unsupervised learning techniques, such as clustering and dimensionality reduction, help discover hidden patterns in large data sets. Anomaly detection using unsupervised methods became important for identifying new threats. 
  • Deep learning: This subset of ML gained prominence with the rise of neural networks. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) revolutionized image recognition, natural language processing and malware detection. 

Current applications of machine learning in cybersecurity 

Machine learning has become an indispensable tool in the cybersecurity arsenal, with its application spanning various aspects of threat detection, prevention and response. Here are some applications where it makes the biggest impact: 

  • Anomaly detection and behavioral analytics: Traditional security relies on predefined rules to identify threats. ML takes a more proactive approach. By analyzing vast amounts of network traffic and user data (login times, file access patterns, etc.), it can establish baselines for normal activity. Deviations from these baselines, or anomalies, can then be flagged as potential threats. 
  • Phishing detection and email filtering: Phishing emails are a common tactic for cybercriminals. Machine learning for social engineering can analyze email content, sender information and writing style to identify malicious emails with high accuracy. This technique can also be applied to voice phishing attempts by using machine learning for speech recognition. 
  • Malware and ransomware detection: The evolving nature of malware makes traditional signature-based detection methods ineffective. ML algorithms can analyze suspicious files for hidden malicious code and identify new malware strains based on their behavior and characteristics. 
  • Predictive analytics for threat intelligence: Machine learning can analyze a large amount of security data, including threat feeds, attack trends and internal security logs, to protect potential security incidents. 

Watch the full Cyber Work Podcast episode with Torq CTO Leonid Belkind. 

Impact of machine learning on cybersecurity strategies 

Machine learning is changing the way we approach cybersecurity. ML shifts the focus from reactive threat detection to proactive threat prediction. By analyzing massive data sets, it identifies anomalies and suspicious behavior before attacks happen. ML also automates many time-consuming tasks, freeing up security analysts to focus on strategic initiatives and incident response. ML's ability to learn and adapt continuously leads to more accurate threat detection than traditional systems. 

Machine learning isn't meant to replace existing security tools but to augment them. It integrates seamlessly with firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), endpoint detection and response (EDR) solutions and security information and event management (SIEM) platforms. The data collected by these systems can be analyzed in real-time with ML models to identify potential threats and provide actionable insights. 

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But it is important to note that ML isn't a cure-all. There are some challenges to using it in cybersecurity, including: 

  • Data quality and quantity: The effectiveness of ML models heavily relies on the quality of data used for training. Inaccurate or incomplete data can lead to unreliable results. Many ML algorithms often require large amounts of data for training, and this can be a challenge for smaller organizations with limited data resources. 
  • Model overfitting and underfitting: Overfitting occurs when an ML model becomes too specific to the training data and cannot be generalized to new situations. Underfitting happens when the model doesn't learn enough from the data. Both scenarios can lead to inaccurate threat detection. 
  • The cybersecurity arms race: As attackers develop new tactics, so too must ML models be continually updated and improved to stay ahead of evolving threats. This creates an ongoing arms race between defenders and attackers. 
  • Explainability and transparency: Understanding how ML models reach certain conclusions can be difficult. This lack of transparency can make it challenging to explain security decisions or identify potential biases in the data. 
  • Security risks: If compromised by attackers, ML models could be manipulated to generate false positives or negatives, hindering security efforts. 

Future of machine learning in cybersecurity 

Just like every other technology, the future of cybersecurity is undeniably intertwined with the continued advancement of machine learning. Some emerging trends integrating machine learning deeper into cybersecurity include: 

  • Federated learning: Federated learning allows ML models to be trained across multiple devices or servers without centralizing data. This approach enhances privacy by keeping sensitive data local while still benefiting from global model updates. 
  • Transfer learning: Transfer learning enables models to adapt to new tasks and domains. This reduces the need for extensive retraining and improves the scalability of ML-driven cybersecurity solutions. 
  • Self-learning and autonomous systems: ML algorithms may evolve towards self-learning capabilities, which will allow them to autonomously analyze threats, identify vulnerabilities and even take corrective actions in real-time. 
  • Deep learning and neural networks: While deep learning is currently being used in cybersecurity, its use will continue to evolve. For example, generative adversarial networks (GANs) could pit two neural networks against each other to simulate realistic attack scenarios for training and testing defenses. 

While many of the techniques and technologies mentioned above are still in the works, here are some we can expect in 2024: 

  • Focus on user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA): This uses machine learning to analyze user behavior patterns and identify anomalies that might indicate compromised accounts or insider threats. 
  • Democratization of ML security solutions: Advancements in user-friendly interfaces and pre-trained models will make ML-based security solutions more accessible to organizations of all sizes. 
  • Focus on Explainable AI (XAI): As ML models become more complex, the need for transparency and interpretability grows. We can expect to see an increased adoption of explainable AI in cybersecurity. 

To learn more about how AI will impact organizations, check out Infosec’s Generative AI for Organizational Leaders Training Boot Camp. 

"AI is going to change everything we do," said ISACA CEO Erik Prusch, in a recent Infosec webinar. I see this an expansion of roles within enterprise, more than a contraction of roles within enterprise. The threats are multiplying through the use of AI, which means that not only do we have to be comprehensive in being able to apply AI to defend, but we actually need more people to help develop [all these new AI approaches to cybersecurity].” 

Machine learning and cybersecurity careers 

Demand for cybersecurity professionals with machine learning expertise is growing rapidly. Organizations recognize the power of ML to combat evolving threats and are actively seeking individuals who can bridge the gap between cybersecurity and data science. Here are some tips that will help current or aspiring cybersecurity professionals adapt to these changes: 

  • Develop foundational knowledge of ML: Understanding the core concepts of machine learning will enable you to collaborate effectively with data scientists and leverage ML-powered security tools. Online courses, workshops and certifications can provide a strong foundation. 
  • Sharpen your data analysis skills: To be successful in ML-driven security, you need to work with and interpret data well. Sharpen your skills in data manipulation, visualization and statistical analysis. 
  • Keep up to date: The field of machine learning is always changing. Regularly reading industry publications, attending conferences and taking part in online communities can help you stay ahead of the curve. 
  • Learn to code: Familiarity with programming languages like Python and R is essential for working with ML algorithms. 
  • Get hands-on experience: Seek internships and volunteer opportunities or contribute to open-source projects that involve applying ML to cybersecurity. 

The intersection of AI and machine learning careers and cybersecurity careers has given rise to a range of new career paths. Most organizations are still using traditional role names with an added "machine learning" or "artificial intelligence" modifier. Here are some of the roles: 

  • Security analyst with ML expertise: These analysts used ML tools to identify threats and vulnerabilities in security data. 
  • ML engineer for cybersecurity: These engineers develop and Implement machine learning models for security applications. 
  • Threat intelligence analyst with ML skills: They use machine learning to analyze threat data and predict future attacks. 

Preparing for the future of machine learning 

The future of cybersecurity is linked to machine learning, but to leverage its power, organizations must be strategic. It's necessary to clearly define your goals and align your ML strategy with your overall security posture. 

Effective machine learning also requires a robust data infrastructure. Machine learning models are data-driven, so the quantity and quality of data used for training and maintenance are important. This means having the capacity to collect, store and manage data efficiently. 

Integrating ML requires adjustments to existing security workflows. Processes and roles may need to be adapted to maximize the benefits of this new approach. 

Machine learning must also be used responsibly. Machine learning algorithms can inherit biases from the data they are trained on. Measures to identify and mitigate these biases are necessary. Transparency in how these models reach decisions is also worth considering. Even if the inner workings are complex, there should be a clear understanding of how a model arrives at its conclusions. 

Learn Cybersecurity Data Science

Learn Cybersecurity Data Science

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Machine learning and cybersecurity 

Machine learning transforms traditional security approaches from reactive defense to proactive threat prediction. ML is also making anomaly detection, malware analysis and phishing email filtering more effective. 

The key takeaway is that machine learning is rapidly becoming an indispensable tool in the cybersecurity arsenal. ML gives organizations the ability to stay ahead of evolving cyber threats and build a more robust defense. 

And with both ML and cybersecurity evolving, their intersection can change rapidly. To keep up with the changes, continue learning about ML and its applications in cybersecurity. Explore online resources, attend industry conferences and consider incorporating relevant training into your professional development. 

Infosec hosts regular events featuring industry experts discussing the latest advancements in AI and ML for cybersecurity, including the popular webinar, How ChatGPT and AI are changing cybersecurity forever.

Stephan Miller
Stephan Miller

Stephan Miller is a senior software engineer. He currently works as a full-stack web and mobile developer for Shamrock Trading Corporation. Stephan has worked as a developer for over 20 years and as a freelance writer for over a decade. In his spare time, he spends time with his family and reads and attempts to write science fiction.